Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 46 - February 19th, 2011

Grandma and Grandma Julye are visiting and decided that since they missed a whole year's worth of birthdays today would be the birthday for EVERYBODY. First there was shopping, then there was more shopping and then Mom set up a birthday party at a place here in town called Monkey Joe's which has a bunch of giant inflatable play slides and such. It was exhausting...but fun! So happy Un-Birthday Birthday to the lot of 'em.

Grandma and the girls ready for shopping!

Of course this requires way more than one pictures so have a slideshow of pics :D


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Inara was as colorful as the inflatable thingies! :P

  2. We are huge monkey joe fans here, too. Love the pictures.

  3. I would totally play on that! :D Looked like too much fun> :D
