A little bit about the people you are likely to see in this blog. We're a military family currently living in Georgia. This is our second duty station; prior to this we were stationed in Hawaii.
Robby (AKA Daddy) - of the parentals, Robby is most likely to be seen in pictures as I (Mommy) am usually the one behind the camera.
Cami (AKA Mommy/Me) - You may not see me much (if at all) in pictures but I will try to sneak one in now and again. I do own a tripod after all!
Jadzia - the oldest of the girls, she is a girly girl and loves the color pink.
Inara - the middle girl, she is not nearly as girly as her sister, ALWAYS has dirt on her nose and loves the color green.
Anya - the youngest girl, she's stubborn and is a total momma's girl. If asked, her favorite color is pink - of course she also says a dog says "pink" lately. I think she just likes the word "pink".
Jasper the Dog - He's a Beagle and a sweetheart, he loves to nest and snuggle as close to you as possible.
Tigerlily - our new cat. She's still working out an understanding with Jasper the Dog and tends to look down at the small humans like "what are you and why are you here?"